To get out of 79 sqaudron you will need to get 13 points. To get these points you have to do 15 tasks each will be easy since you are only just registered. They will be quck tasks so you are not stuck at the bottom for a long period of time. You will need to be sharing a cockpit wth either Me, Mitch or a certified Instructor to pass each task.
Here are the tasks you will need to do
Do a fly-by over a runway: 2 points
Fly over water at 200 feet without Autopilot: 2 points
Do a aileron roll: 1 point
Do a triple barrell roll: 1 point
Buzz a control tower: 2 points
Fly from Richmond AFB to Laverton AFB: 3 points
Do a short field takeoff and landing: 2 points