Welcome to the ranks.
Here you will find what rank you are and how to work up the ranks.
Starting from Least rankd to Most here are the ranks:
Officer Cadet: You start off as a Officer Cadet when you sign up to RAAF virtual and will be so until you graduate from your final training sqaudron (either 76 sqn or 2 OCU)
Pilot Officer: You are a Pilot Officer after you graduate from Training. You will be a Pilot Officer until you have atleast 10 flight hours with your sqaudron.
Flying Officer:You are a Flying Officer after you have gained 10 hours flying with your sqaudron. You will be promoted after you have 30 hours flying with your sqaudron.
Flight Lieutenant: You will be a Flight Lieutenant after you have 30 hours flying with your sqaudron. You will be a Flight Lieutenant until you have 50 hours flying with your sqaudron.
Sqaudron Leader: You become Sqaudron leader when you have 50 hours with your sqaudron. You will be promoted when you reach 60 hours of flight with your sqaudron.
Wing Commander:You will become a Wing Commander when you have reached 60 hours of flight with your sqaudron. You will be promoted when you have 70 hours of flight with your squadron.
Group Captain: You will become Group Captain when you have 70 hours of flight with your sqaudron. This is the highest rank you will get up to unless you are a friend of mine or some kind of founder of this site or helped with the creation of the site.
Air Commodore: Goes to Timothy for helping creating this site.
Air Vice Marshal: Air Vice Marshal goes to Justin because he has been helping with this site and is a good friend.
Air Marshel: Mitch is the Air Marshel because he is Co-Founder of RAAFvirtual.
Air Chief Marshel: Layne Suhr is the Air Chief Marshel as he is the Leader of RAAF virtual.